Tuesday 23 April 2013

1x01 Anything you want - Pilot

Going back to the begining is so enjoyable for me. Remembering how young they all are in the pilot, even Annie and Eric, and being amused by the obvious differences and the way the writers and producers wanted the characters to be seen early, compared to later.

At the begining of the episode, we see a couple who are obviously crazy for each other, something that, eleven seasons later, doesn't change. Their alone time in their room is interrupted by their youngest daughter Ruthie, and followed in turn by each Camden child in age order, until Matt comes in and reminds the younger siblings that Saturday morning their parents sleep in. I would think that would gross out Mary and Lucy, but all the kids accept it and leave. I don't know how long it took new viewers of this show to catch on to the fact that Eric is a Minister (if they didn't know beforehand), because it's not at all obvious until the first Church scene. Eric certainly doesn't act like a Minister with his wife, which I guess is the point.

These are my thoughts on the kids in the pilot:

Matt - 16 (I think) and rebellious. He's a good older brother, but seems like he could cause some headaches for the Camden parents. Plus, he smokes. I don't know if I forgot that or something, but it's so out of character, maybe I blocked it, lol.
Mary - 14 and the good girl. Strong, level headed and getting interested in boys, but so cool about it. The way Mary handles herself with Jeff is very mature for a fourteen year old, and it's no wonder Lucy is so sensitive.
Lucy - 12 (although Beverly Mitchell is actually 15 and older than Jessica Biel) and overly sensitive and dramatic. It's interesting that Lucy was seen as the potential troubled one, given her later 'good girl' role. I actually loved seeing how close she is to Eric though, because I always loved their relationship.
Simon - 8 (?) and adorable. I'm sorry, obviously Ruthie is the cute one, but Simon is just such a funny, insightful little kid. In a way it's sad how much of his innocence he loses, but not unexpected.
Ruthie - 5 and the cute one. We all know this won't last, but for now, she's very cute and entertaining.

Eric and Annie are having some miscommunications about parenting the kids, which ties into each of the kids storylines. Matt is smoking, something he thought he hid well, but we all know you can't hide anything from the Rev for long! Eric arranges for him to go and work for Mrs Bink instead of blowing up at him (like he would do later on in the show), teaching Matt the underhanded lesson of how bad smoking is for your health. Mary is busying crushing on Matts best friend Jeff (who is apparently a life long BFF, and who disappears soon, like so many other characters) and obsessing about how boys her age are too tall for her to kiss. Eric has the birds and the bees talk with her, when it maybe should have been Annie. Lucy is obsessed with getting her period. I never understood this with girls, possibly because I got mine very young, but the later the better in my opinion! And Eric wants to talk to her, but Annie thinks it's best handled by her. Agreed Annie, although props to Eric for not being squeemish. One of my favourite moments is the hug between Eric and Lucy after she gets her period, and asks her Dad to go buy her tampons. Simon wants a dog. He keeps saying 'If God exists...' which I think is brilliant, that just because their Dad is a Minister, doesn't mean the kids don't question things. Nicely done. Of course Annie caves and gets Happy, which Eric is not too happy about after they agreed no dogs. Ruthie is really too little for a storyline, but is always there with her sisters or Simon, acting as a dog, or a confidant. Very cute.

Noteworthy moments:
Mary and Matt talking about kissing. I'm sorry, my brother is a lot younger than me, but this just seems so wrong.
Grandma Jenny telling Annie and Eric she's going to die. I really wish we'd gotten at least one season out of her, so this could have had a bigger impact.

Tear factor - 4/5. Even though we barely know the Camdens at this point, when Jenny tells Annie she's dying, it's just so freaking sad. I swear, every single episode makes me tear up.